99 Names Project
This year as a countdown to Ramadan we were inspired by @kitabkids to reflect on a name of Allah a day. My children are 4.5 and 2, so I have kept things simple and fun. I followed their lead during discussions of each name and the conversations often went in many directions.
As we have been working through this 99 names project at times it has been difficult to find the best way to explain each name. This has forced me to reflect on what I want my children to take away from these activities.
I realize that I do not expect my children to learn or even remember these 99 names through this project, rather it is a way for us, as a family, to consciously spend time in our day reflecting on and remembering Allah and His many blessings. It has been incredible to share these wonderful names of Allah with my children and both myself and my children are learning so much through this process.
Below are images for the crafts we did for each name of Allah. To learn more about some of the discussions we had around each name, please visit our instagram page. (Linked here)
1/2. Ar - Rahmaan & Ar Rahim
The Most Merciful
The Giver of Mercy
3. Al - Malik
The King
4. Al - Quddus
The Absolutely Pure
5. As - Salaam
The Giver of Peace
6. Al - Mu’min
The One who Affirms and Believes
7. Al - Muhaymin
The Guardian, The Witness, The Overseer
8. Al - Azeez
The All Mighty
9. Al - Jabbar
The Compeller, The Restorer
10. Al - Mutakabbir
The Supreme, The Majestic
11. Al - Khaaliq
The Creator
12. Al - Baari’
The Originator
13. Al - Musawir
The Fashioner
14. Al - Ghaffar
The One who is forgiving
15. Al - Qahhar
The Subduer, The Ever-Dominating
16. Al - Wahhab
The Giver of Gifts
17. Ar - Razzaq
The Provider
18. Al - Fattaah
The Opener
22/23. Al - Khaafidh & Al - Raafi’
The Reducer
The Elevator
24/25. Al - Mu’izz & Al - Muzil
The Honorer
The Dishonorer
26/27. As - Samee’ & Al Baseer
The All Hearing
The All Seeing
28. Al - Hakam
The Judge, The Giver of Justice
29. Al - Adl
The Utterly Just
30. Al - Lateef
The Subtle One, The Most Gentle
31. Khabeer
The All Aware
32. Al - Haleem
The One Who keeps bestowing blessings
33. Al - Atheem
The Magnificent
34. Al - Ghafoor
The Forgiving
Ash - Shakoor
The Most Appreciative
36. Al - Alee
The Most High
37. Al - Kabeer
The Greatest
38. Al - Hafeedh
The All-Protecting
39. Al - Muqeet
The Sustainer
40/42. Al - Haseeb & Al - Kareem
The Reckoner
The Most Generous
41. Al - Jaleel
The Majestic
43. Ar - Raqeeb
The Watchful
44. Al - Mujeeb
The Responsive One
45. Al - Waasi’
The All-Encompassing
46. Al - Hakeem
The All Wise
47. Al - Wadood
The Most Loving
48. Al - Majeed
The Glorious, The Most Honorable
49. Al - Ba’ith
The Resurrector
50. Ash - Shaheed
The All- and Ever Witnessing
51/52. Al - Haqq & Al - Wakeel
The Absolute Truth
The Trustee
53/54. Al - Qawiyy & Al - Mateen
The All Strong
The Firm/ The Steadfast
55. Al - Waliyy
The Protective Friend
56/57. Al Hameed & Al - Muhsee
The Praiseworthy
The All-Enumerating, The Counter
58. Al - Mubdi
The Originator
59/60/61. Al - Mu’id, Al - Muhyee, Al - Mumeet
The Restorer
The Giver of Life
The Bringer of Death
62. Al - Hayy
The Ever Living
63. Al - Qayoom
The Sustainer, The Self-Subsisting
64. Al - Waajid
The Finder
65. Al - Maajid
The Glorious
66/67. Al - Wahid & Al - Ahad
The One
The Unique
68. As - Samad
The Eternal
Al - Qadeer & Al -Muqtadir
The Powerful
The Omnipotent
71/72. Al - Muqaddim & Al - Mu’akhkhir
The Expediter
The Delayer
73/74. Al - Awwal & Al - Aakhir
The First
The Last
75. Az - Dhaahir
The Manifest
76. Al - Baatin
The Hidden
77. Al - Waali
The Protective Friend
78. Al - Muta’ali
The Self Exalted
79/83. Al - Barr/ Ar - Ra’oof
The source of kindness
The Most Kind
80/82. At - Tawwab/ Al - Afuww
The Ever-Pardoning,
The Pardoning
84. Malik-ul-Mulk
Master of the Kingdom
85. Dhul - Jalaali - Wal - Ikram
Possessor of Glory and Honour
87. Al - Jaami’
The Gatherer/The Uniter
88. Al - Ghaniyy
The Self-Sufficient
Al - Muntaqim
86. Al - Muqsit
89. Al - Mughni
90. Al - Mani’
The Avenger
The Just
The Enricher
The Defender
91/92. Ad- Dharr / An - Nafi’
The Distresser
The Benefactor
94. Al - Haadi
The Guide
93/98. An - Nur/ Ar - Rasheed
The Light
The Guide
99. As - Sabur
The Patient One