Ihram & Sa'i - (Safa - Marwa) -> Hajj/ Umrah Craft

Summer has put us on a strange schedule. Different activities every week and sunny days making us want to be outside as much as possible.

But in our pockets of downtime we are talking (and crafting) all things Hajj (Also applicable for Umrah).
I have been trying to break down Hajj (or the special trip, as we have been referring to it) in to smaller elements.

The last few days we have talked about Ihram and how we are all equal in the eyes of God. We have also been discussing some of the stories behind the steps in Hajj. My daughters favorite being the story behind Sa’i, of Bibi Hajar finding water for her son Ismail and the miracle and mercy of God in providing water.

Below is the fun and simple craft we paired with our stories. The most effective activity is one where you talk and discuss the different teaching point as you progress in the craft. For example stopping to discuss why everyone wears white when sticking on the ihram.

This craft would make a great accompaniment to our book ‘Adam and God’s Creation’ which focuses on equality, as well as ‘Ibrahim the Builder’ for an introduction to who Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail are. (Visit our shop for more details about these books and others in the series)


What You’ll Need:

  • White Card (for background)

  • Grey, white and brown felt (construction paper would also work)

  • Glue

  • scissor/exacto knife

  • Popsicle sticks

Step 1:

Cut out mountain shapes (different shaped triangles) from the grey felt.

Stick this at each end of the paper, forming the mounts Safa and Marwa

Step 2:

Cut 4 white felt squares (for the ihram) and 2 brown circles (for the faces)

Stick the faces onto the popsicle stick

Use two white squares for each persons ihram. The wrapping does not need to be perfect by any means. We are just trying to show the general gist of ihram.

Step 3:

Cut a thin slit between the two mountains. This should be just enough to allow the popsicle sticks to be fitted in and slide smoothly (~2mm)

Step 4:

Move back and forth 7 times :)
