Mina - Popsicle Stick Tents -> Hajj Craft

We have been talking (and crafting) all things Hajj around here. Our most recent conversations being focused on Mina, a small town near Mecca where Pilgrims spend the night during the Hajj.

When thinking of Mina, the most common visual is of thousands of rows upon rows of tents, set up for Pilgrims. I showed my daughter pictures of what this looks like. She was fascinated. But in true 4 year old fashion, her first question was what do we get to eat when we are there :P.

We spoke about how Hajj is an opportunity to start fresh, like a new baby coming into the world with a  clean slate and how every opportunity during Hajj should be used to pray and remember God.

Of course we coupled this conversation with creating a mini tent city. We were inspired by @helloholydays popsicle stick Hajj tent craft, to which we added our own spin and a whole lot of color :)


What You’ll Need:

  • White Card (for background)

  • 10 popsicle sticks (two for each tent)

  • Colored felt (Construction paper would work just fine too)

  • Glue

  • scissor

Step 1:

Cut out 5 equal triangle shapes from the felt. These will be the shape and size of the tents.

You could use your popsicle sticks as a rough guide to help decide the size of the triangles.

Step 2:

Cut a small slit in the bottom middle of the triangles (optional: forms a tent opening)

Step 3:

Stick the triangles onto the white card, being sure to space them out well so there is room to add the popsicle sticks.

Step 4:

Stick two popsicle sticks (one on either side of the triangle) forming a small overlap at the top.
