Free Hajj Printable

NEW Hajj Craft Kit Now Available (Sold Out)

Create an all around, interactive Hajj experience for your children.

This year we’ve made a conscious effort to talk about Hajj in our home and make this an exciting time of year. I’ve definitely seen the impact this has had on my daughter. There are times when she will independently reference some of the things she has learnt or decide to make the clothes on the people in her coloring page white, as ‘they are going to Hajj’. Although, these mentions may seem small and insignificant, inshAllah this small impact will help form a strong foundation for her future. 

If you’re looking for a fun, easy way to introduce the Hajj pilgrimage to your child, then this free printable is a great visual resource to get you talking about the various steps involved during the Hajj. You can tell your child as little or as much as you wish about each stage, depending on their age and what you want them to take away.
