Arafat Activity

With the day of Arafat approaching we have been discussing the importance of prayer and remembering Allah in all that we do. 

For me, at this young age (my daughter is 4), understanding the ritualistic elements of Hajj is not important. We are using the steps of Hajj as a way to discuss the deeper core Islamic values that are emphasized through the Hajj. That of unity, equality, respect, patience and above all love and faith in the creator. 

With each Hajj activity that we do, these core principles that  Islam teaches are starting to sink in a little more.

Each of the books in The Prophet Series emphasizes these core Islamic values and they have made the perfect accompaniment to our activities.


What You’ll Need:

  • White Card (for background)

  • Grey and black card for mountains

  • White paper for people paper chain

  • Glue

  • scissors

  • Colors

Step 1:

Draw a mountain on the grey card. (We drew 2 triangles with a ruler.)

Cut out

Step 2:

Use the mountain cut out and draw around the peaks on the black card. Cut out and use for mountain top detail.

Step 3:

Fold a rectangular piece of white paper back and forth until you are left with a rectangle.

Draw an outline of a person, ensuring that the arms meet the edge of the paper on either side (to make sure there is a connection)

Cut this out and open to form a paper chain.

Step 4:

Stick all pieces onto white card to resemble lines of people praying on mount Arafat.

Step 5:

Add ayah from the Quran talking about remembrance of Allah (Optional)
